We Provide:

  • Fee-only fiduciaries
  • Objective, independent advice
  • No sales commissions
  • A dedicated team of Certified Financial Planner professionals
  • Education, collaboration and partnership
  • Peace of mind and confidence
  • Clarity in decision-making
  • Reassurance all necessary steps are being taken

Preparing for Retirement

This includes determining:
  • When you can retire
  • Help identify available income in retirement
  • Social Security and pension timing and optimization
  • When to withdraw from retirement accounts
  • Planning for health insurance for retirement

Investment Decision-Making

This includes:
  • Analyzing your investment portfolio
  • Finding right asset allocation risk
  • Minimizing investment risk for goals
  • Opening and advising on your investment accounts
  • Financial market education/analysis

Income Tax Minimization

This includes:
  • Income tax preparation
  • Income tax planning
  • Income tax coordination with your tax preparer and attorney

Planning Your Estate & Legacy

This includes:
  • Review your current documents
  • Provide education on options
  • Protecting your family
  • Coordination with your attorney

